Introducing our 2022/23 Season

In the run up to its 2025 centenary, the Brighton Philharmonic Orchestra has curated a vibrant programme, bringing audiences something for all tastes. Full details ma be found elsewhere on this website.

Season Tickets are available across all concerts in Brighton Dome Concert Hall and to widen the reach and the popularity of the BPO we are offering £10 LoveMusic tickets to those who have never seen a classical concert or heard the BPO before. A limited number of these special tickets will be available for three concerts this season, on sale from the day before and on the day of the concerts: simply quote LoveMusic when buying them.

This is Music Director Joanna MacGregor’s second full season with the BPO. She continues the bold vision she set out for the orchestra. Critic Louise Dumas said of her first season:

“New, dazzlingly extended repertoire, performed with rejuvenated sparkle from the orchestra: everything is possible with talent, imagination and energy. The audience loved it, and roared applause.”

“Joanna MacGregor is a brilliant light in the music world.”

Classical Review

“The Brighton Philharmonic has been performing in Brighton for nearly a century, and their concerts are for everyone: for adventurous classical lovers, students and families. As BPO’s Music Director, I welcome you to a wonderful season of music and creativity!”

Music Director, Joanna MacGregor CBE

“Joanna brought us beautiful and imaginative programming for her first season with the BPO. After the stresses of the pandemic and without the opportunity to perform, it was wonderful to see our musicians back in front of a live audience again. We’re really looking forward to welcoming audiences, old and new to our coming season, which steps-up another gear.”

Andrea Cifelli, Chair of Brighton Philharmonic Orchestra


The Latest Magazine; Preview of the 23/24 Season


Guest leader: Eugene Lee (Sun 27 March)